==> our “ non_T T[shirts]” help u win ♥’s + $ucce$$e$
→ hottest , helping u win ♥’s + $ucce$$e$
preface 2 :: <_U_MAY_SKIP_^THE_PREFACE_>
“Lady1st!” ::
“Lady1st” = foundation for all gentlemanships , so , let’s suggest ::
register yourname@Lady1st.com to indorse ^the spirit & call to action!!
tips to smart gentlemens ::↘
show yourname@Lady1st.com to ladies , then u can win their ♥’s !;)
}}} at least , u can secure their good feeling[s]{{{
↘ dedic to help u win ♥‘s/jobs/$ucce$$e$/trusts generally::
[myname@]YourGoodPartner.com – also good for life-partnership
[myname@]YourSuccessIsMySuccess.com – 4 u to apply for jobs,etc
[myname@]ToYourSuccesses.com – similarly good & shorter in length
[myname@]HelpUsHelpYou.com !!… Help us//US = Help you !,))
↘↘ dedicated to show u’r Romantic ::
example – me@theRomanticGirl.com ::
theRomanticGirl , theRomanticBoy , theRealWoman , iBohemian
→ → → real[_THE_MOST_] romantic
↘↘ dedic to help u share charity’s messages concisely ::
AdoptDogsNow !! AdoptCatsNow !! AdoptChildrenNow !!
example :: register me@AdoptChildrenNow.com to call to action!!
九月 20th, 2014 at 10:17 下午
a musing沉思 tidbit//点滴//花絮 ::
【btw:`amusing’ = 风趣的//风趣//趣】
spreadshirt say说 – my shirt,my voice
AllForChina say – my “shirt’,my voice
【my我 shirt衫 , my我 voice声】
legend说明 ::
“" non非 Tshirt Tshirt[T恤衫] “"
九月 21st, 2014 at 9:32 下午
>> [常]表明心迹,
>> [常]成功可即